Fretboard Accelerator – Scott's Bass Lessons


With The Fretboard Accelerator, the proven system to unlocking your fretboard in just 30 minutes a day.

Scott Devine

Man. You have just relieved years of confusion and stubbornness in just an hour and half. I am so impressed!”
— Michael Tor

Nothing will hold you back more than not knowing your Fretboard.

Do you ever feel like—no matter how much you practice or try to play something fresh and creative—your fingers always go to the same, boring old patterns? Almost like they have a mind of their own?

Talk about frustrating. And sadly, this frustration plagues almost every bass student I talk to. So sleep easy, it’s not just you.

It turns out that mastering the fretboard is uniquely difficult, and here’s why. I like to call it...


What is "The Fretboard Paradox"?

The trouble with patterns and shapes is that, on one hand, they are the foundation we use when learning how to play the bass. But on the other hand, using traditional patterns and shapes can leave you feeling trapped in a small area of the fretboard.

It feels like you're locked in “bass jail”.

Where every time you want to play more fun and challenging bass parts, you end up feeling lost as you try to utilize the upper strings and frets. And you quickly give up and go back to playing the same-old patterns and shapes again.

This doesn't happen to great bass players.

Think of your favorite bass player, whether it's Jaco, Hadrien Feraud, Gary Willis, or Marcus Miller.

Notice anything? They don’t get “stuck” playing a small section of the fingerboard.

They weave their way up and down the fretboard — almost without thinking about it. And they connect all of those super-juicy bass lines together with ease.

So at this point, you’re probably thinking that all you have to do to master the fretboard is follow in the footsteps of your favorite bassist…

There’s just one problem with that...


After getting to know dozens of the world’s best bass players, I realized they ALL followed a different approach to mastering the fretboard. But however they did it, it required marathon practice sessions — with almost inhuman levels of focus.

So it would be almost impossible for an everyday bass player to master their fretboard by following in the footsteps of their favorite bass players.

Because few of us have the time to spend eight hours practicing every day. Plus even if you do, most people don’t have the same raw skill that it takes to master the fretboard by brute-force memorization and repetition.

So I started to wonder if there was a better way to master the fretboard, instead of relying solely on talent and time in the shed.

The Secret of
Great Bass Players (and the unfortunate truth)

I wondered if I could find a systematic, “paint-by-numbers” approach that would allow anyone to improve their fretboard fluency — in a matter of weeks. Not years.

That way, anyone would be able to break free from the same-old patterns and blaze their way up and down the neck, just like their favorite bass players.

So I started looking high and low for clues. I poured over my old practice journals. I dug up my old exercise books. I even revisited lessons I took with my own mentors — like Gary Willis and Jeff Andrews.

And after months of tinkering, I finally found the clue I was looking for buried in the back of an old music theory textbook…

This age-old harmonic concept reveals the "source code" of the bass fretboard.

While I was looking for a way to demystify the fretboard, I remembered an age-old harmonic concept that I learned from one of my music teachers.

And after playing around with it for a bit, I realized this concept allows you to connect every fretboard pattern that you’ve ever learned…and you ever will learn…into just FOUR “master” patterns.

In fact, it’s physically impossible to play anything on the bass that does not fall into one of these four patterns. Which is why I call these master patterns the “source code” of the bass fretboard. Because they allow you to “see” the notes on the fretboard as a single, cohesive unit. Not fragmented, disconnected patterns.

The only problem is, these master patterns are also MUCH more complex than typical patterns and shapes. Which is why no one ever thought to use this method to teach mastering the fretboard before.

So I knew if I was going to be the first person to crack the code, I would need some help…

And that’s when I called up Eric Wills — a 10-year veteran in creating music training programs, who has worked with everyone from Pearl Jam, to Billy Sheehan, to The Red Hot Chili Peppers. (He’s Head of Educational Content here at SBL — and a badass bass player!)

For four months, we experimented with different ways to teach these complex master patterns — looking for anything that might serve as a shortcut. A few times, we thought we had cracked the code…only to shake our heads in frustration when we realized we had actually just gone around in circles.

The Breakthrough

But then, after throwing out our first three or four versions, we finally figured out an accelerated approach to teach these master patterns that actually worked.

And from there, we were able to create the first and only step-by-step course for gaining complete control over the bass fretboard, in just a few weeks, by using these four master patterns.

Break free of your ruts, and get the proven, “paint-by-numbers” system that will unlock the fretboard in just 30 minutes-a-day.

The Fretboard Accelerator is 16-module course that will take you from repeating the same patterns over-and-over to creating your own original lines without even thinking about it, all in as little as 30 minutes-a-day.

Claim your spot plus $224.00 in FREE bonuses before enrollment closes

Claim My Spot + $224.00 In Free Gifts

Any Style
Any Level

The first system that can be used by any bass player to master the fretboard.

30 minutes
PER day

No need for marathon 9-hour practice sessions. See results in as little as 30 minutes a day.


It’s totally “paint-by-numbers”, so as long as you follow the system, you can’t fail.

This course is bringing my playing skills to a point I never thought I had. I have a teacher that I study with once a week and he even noticed a difference.” — Matthew Tavella

“My deepest thanks for this outstanding course. It has single handedly taken my playing to heretofore unheard heights. It is simply amazing to me just how much more comfortable, confident and fluent I feel I have become with my fretboard.” — Michael Callaghan

“[This] concept…is a game changer! I’ve been playing for 10+ years (as a hobbyist) and I’ve always struggled to learn the fretboard. Just with this week, I think I have improved more than the last 10 years.” — Antonio Baker

The Triadic

The “Triadic Harmony Concept” reveals that ALL western music falls into just four triads — the major, minor, augmented, and diminished. And that means everything you play on the bass can also be broken down into just four “master patterns” — which align with these four triad types.

The problem is, these four master patterns are also much harder to learn than traditional patterns and shapes. So in order to increase your fretboard fluency, you can’t just learn these master patterns on paper or practice them in random order.

You need to follow a system that breaks these complex master patterns down into simple, step-by-step exercises — until you can “see” the entire fretboard and your fingers have intuitive control of the entire neck…

Which is exactly what we’ve built with The Fretboard Accelerator program.


01 Module 01

Major Root Position

Major - Root Position Fretboard Matrix
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 1 Introduction
  • Video 2: What is the Cycle of 5ths?
  • Video 3: Major Triad / Root Position / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Major Triad / Root Position / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Major Triad / Root Position / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining Shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining Shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining Shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 1 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

02 Module 02

FIRST Inversion

Major - 1st Inversion Fretboard Matrix
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 2 Introduction
  • Video 2: What are Triad Inversions?
  • Video 3: Major Triad / 1st Inversion / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Major Triad / 1st Inversion / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Major Triad / 1st Inversion / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining Shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining Shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining Shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 2 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

03 Module 03

SECOND Inversion

Major - 2nd Inversion Fretboard Matrix
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 3 Introduction
  • Video 2: 2nd Inversion Checkup
  • Video 3: Major Triad / 2nd inversion / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Major Triad / 2nd inversion / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Major Triad / 2nd inversion / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining Shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining Shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining Shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 3 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

04 Module 04

Continuous Movement

Major - Continuous Movement System
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 4 Introduction
  • Video 2: Major Triad Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 1
  • Video 3: Major Triad Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 2
  • Video 4: Major Triad Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 3
  • Video 5: Module 4 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

05 Module 05

Minor Root Position

Minor - Root Position Fretboard Matrix
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 5 Introduction
  • Video 2: Minor Triad Checkup
  • Video 3: Minor Triad / Root inversion / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Minor Triad / Root inversion / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Minor Triad / Root inversion / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining Shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining Shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining Shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 5 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

06 Module 06

FIRST Inversion

Minor - 1st Inversion Fretboard Matrix
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 6 Introduction
  • Video 2: 1st Inversion Minor Triads
  • Video 3: Minor Triad / 1st inversion / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Minor Triad / 1st inversion / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Minor Triad / 1st inversion / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 6 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

07 Module 07

SECOND Inversion

Minor - 2nd Inversion Fretboard Matrix
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 7 Introduction
  • Video 2: 2nd Inversion Minor Check-Up
  • Video 3: Minor Triad / 2nd inversion / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Minor Triad / 2nd inversion / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Minor Triad / 2nd inversion / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 7 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

08 Module 08

Continuous Movement

Minor - Continuous Movement System
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 8 Introduction
  • Video 2: Minor Triad Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 1
  • Video 3: Minor Triad Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 2
  • Video 4: Minor Triad Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 3
  • Video 5: Module 8 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

09 Module 09

Mixing Major & Minor

Mixing Major & Minor - Continuous Movement System
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 9 Introduction
  • Video 2: What is a I vi ii V Chord Progression?
  • Video 3: I iv ii V Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 1
  • Video 4: I iv ii V Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 2
  • Video 5: I iv ii V Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 3
  • Video 6: Module 9 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

10 Module 10

Augmented Root Position

Augmented - Root Position Fretboard Matrix
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 10 Introduction
  • Video 2: Augmented Triad Check-Up
  • Video 3: Aug Triad / Root inversion / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Aug Triad / Root inversion / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Aug Triad / Root inversion / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 10 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

11 Module 11

FIRST Inversion

Augmented - 1st Inversion Fretboard Matrix
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module introduction
  • Video 2: 1st Inversion Augmented Triads
  • Video 3: Aug Triad / Root inversion / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Aug Triad / Root inversion / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Aug Triad / Root inversion / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 11 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

12 Module 12

SECOND Inversion

Augmented - 2nd Inversion Fretboard Matrix
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 12 Introduction
  • Video 2: 2nd Inversion Augmented Check-Up
  • Video 3: Aug Triad / Root inversion / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Aug Triad / Root inversion / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Aug Triad / Root inversion / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 12 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

13 Module 13

Continuous Movement

Augmented - Continuous Movement Triads
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 13 introduction
  • Video 2: Aug Triad Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 1
  • Video 3: Aug Triad Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 2
  • Video 4: Aug Triad Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 3
  • Video 5: Module 13 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

14 Module 14

Diminished Root Position

Diminished - Root Position Triads
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 14 introduction
  • Video 2: Diminished Triad Checkup
  • Video 3: Diminished Triad / Root position / Shape 1
  • Video 4: Diminished Triad / Root position / Shape 2
  • Video 5: Diminished Triad / Root position / Shape 3
  • Video 6: Combining shapes / Position 1
  • Video 7: Combining shapes / Position 2
  • Video 8: Combining shapes / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 14 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

15 Module 15

FIRST & SECOND Inversion

Diminished - 1st & 2nd Inversion Triads
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 15 introduction
  • Video 2: Diminished Triad Inversion Checkup
  • Video 3: Diminished Triad / 1st inversion
  • Video 4: Diminished Triad / 2nd inversion
  • Video 5: Combining all Diminished Inversions
  • Video 6: Module 15 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises

16 Module 16

All Chord Types Combined

Mixing all Triad Types
(Most modules have between 60 and 90 minutes of HD video)

  • Video 1: Module 16 introduction
  • Video 2: What is a I–IV–iii–biii–ii–V Chord Progression?
  • Video 3: I–IV–iii–biii–ii–V Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 1
  • Video 4: I–IV–iii–biii–ii–V Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 2
  • Video 5: I–IV–iii–biii–ii–V Continuous Movement Exercises / Position 3
  • Video 9: Module 16 Wrap Up
  • Workbook
  • Play Along Tracks
  • Exercises


Best of all, this is an interactive edition of the course.

Which means you get 4 months of hands-on support from an incredible team of SBL tutors. All for no additional cost.

Claim your spot plus $224.00 in FREE bonuses before enrollment closes

Claim My Spot + $224.00 In Free Gifts


Join now to access your exclusive bonuses worth $224.00…

Bonus Collection
Screenshot from video

Bonus 1

The Bass Fretboard Etude Collection

$125.00 FREE

Nothing will help you to hone your command of the fretboard more than learning melodic, bass etudes...

And there’s nothing more fun, either!

That’s why we’ve put together 24 melodic bass etudes for you. They will push you to get the entire bass fretboard under your fingers in record time. AND they will be a blast for you to play.

We have etudes for all skill levels, too. From total beginner to seasoned pro. And they will reinforce your ability to feel complete control of every single string and every single fret on your bass.

So no matter where you are in your bass journey — or what style of music you play — these etudes will give you the confidence and the skills you need to nail even the most challenging tunes with ease.

Best of all, each of these 24 etudes has a matching video tutorial that breaks down each piece in detail. So it’s like your very own teacher is taking you by the hand and not only demonstrating these etudes for you — but also showing you exactly how to play them.

In fact, there are close to 5 hours of step-by-step video tutorials. These tutorials are super-focused, and remove all the guesswork.

Which is why alone, The Bass Fretboard Etude Collection is easily worth $125.00

Yet it will be yours free when you join The Fretboard Accelerator now.

Screenshot from video

Bonus 2

The Ultimate Grooves Play-Along Collection

$99.00 FREE

These 20 custom professionally recorded backing track grooves give you a safe “laboratory” to explore...

...your creativity. Since you’ll be able to focus on playing over these isolated grooves without having to worry about losing your place in the song or when the chord progression will change.

Which means you’ll have complete freedom to explore as many new riffs, fills, and bass lines as you can come up with.

But we won’t leave you hanging, either.

Each groove in the library also comes with a short video overview of its key elements. You’ll get tips on technique ideas, note choice, articulation, rhythm, and timing. Along with 3 sample bass lines you can study and then use for inspiration.

And we have grooves for virtually every genre — from funk, to soul, to rock.

So it should be no surprise that The Ultimate Grooves Play-Along Collection is valued at $99.00.

But it’s included for no additional cost when you join The Fretboard Accelerator now.

That’s $224.00 in free gifts when you enroll before the clock on this page counts down to zero

So join now to claim these exclusive bonuses before enrollment closes and the price goes up for good.

Claim My Spot Now + $224.00 In Free Gifts

I can see a marked improvement in my timing and control... so a double thank you!

— Phil Davidson

All of sudden, my fretboard is totally clean. I mean that there are no longer any ‘dusty’ zones on it! LOL. Sincerely, I'm amazed to see how this program can teach me so quickly the geometry of my bass neck. The results are coming quickly and I feel them deep inside of me. It’s worth every cent it costs and much more!”

— JP Lebens

"This ‘combining shapes’ exercise completely opened up the top strings for me. It's like the fog of war has lifted off those top strings! All in one module. Thanks Scott and SBL team!"

— Jordan Molduch


Life-changer! After struggling for years to understand how to practice and what to practice I now have focus and direction. It's been big AhHa moment after moment, a mind-blowing, opening, and expansive experience. I've already experienced huge growth in bass and as a musician as a result from your guidance and this is just the beginning.

- Brian Woolsey

Scott Devine Profile

Your instructor

SCOTT DEVINE Scott’s Bass Lessons Founder

With 20+ years of experience as a professional bass player and educator, over a million aspiring bass players following his lessons, and over 90 million views on YouTube, Scott is the most widely followed bass educator in the world.

He has taught thousands of students around the world, lectured and spoken at music schools and universities, and is continuously striving to take online bass education to the next level.


This has been an amazing program! As someone who played on, and off for many years, but never had a good teacher, or organized method I had tons of holes in my understanding and playing. This was the perfect remedy, and the improvement has been awesome. I also now had a solid idea of my path for future development, and what to work on each day.
Suzanne Cook

Eye opener - so much of my practice time was wasted in any given practice. Now with the 80/20 technique and the steps you laid out, it feels so much more productive. This course has been a great help to my overall playing Scott, Thank you so much for this course. YOU'RE AN AMAZING TEACHER!
Dominick Bertolini

This course is going to create a lot of monster bass players! I [am] playing new things without seeming to have to work harder. What that means is I didn't have to perform some extra step to incorporate the new knowledge. It was automatic.
Karl Thorkildsen

I am SO HAPPY I SIGNED UP! Thank you for helping me rediscover a love of Bass that I never even had when I was playing years ago.
Micah Doge

This system has already blown my mind…During our last song of the night I was playing in a pretty tight group of root notes, and just started seeing these patterns. For once I was not just a root-rider. I amazed myself!
David Holton

I have to say that this course is a game changer for me. After just a little more than a week I'm already getting really familiar with notes on the fretboard I've never been quite comfortable with.
Tim Clark

What I was able to do [this morning] totally blew my mind! I was able see the notes for each chord clearly all over the neck right down to the 17th fret. I was able to move freely from one area of the neck to other areas without any problems…I played the track for about 15 minutes and had so much freedom and fun. I've never experienced this before with my playing and it is totally liberating and exciting. This is ALL because of this course. Thank you so much!
Terry James Sinclair

I’ve made this small investment a no-brainer for you...

With over one million bass players following ScottsBassLessons now, I don’t get the chance to teach 1:1 students anymore. That’s why I’ve created a comprehensive, on-demand experience that will feel like I’m by your side every step of the way, but lets you level up your bass playing on your schedule.

What’s more, you’ll get a full 4 months of LIVE support in the course comments from my world-class team! What if you had that type of ground-breaking material and support at your fingertips? How much faster could you reach your goals?

If you were to cover the same comprehensive material with a local bass tutor, it would easily cost you a minimum of $1,300.00. That’s not an exaggeration—that’s a conservative estimate. Private lessons add up quickly, both in your time and your money.

But I don’t want you to spend $1,300.00. I don’t even want you to pay $999.00. Instead, I’m offering you complete access to the entire Fretboard Accelerator program for a one-time, affordable investment in your happiness.

Here's everything you're about to unlock...


  • Gain command over your fretboard
  • Learn in just 30 minutes-a-day
  • Beginner, intermediate & advanced
  • 16 module course
  • 4 months of tutor support
  • One single, secure payment
  • Loved by fellow bass players
  • 30 Day 100% Money-back Guarantee
  • LIMITED TIME Free bonuses worth $224.00
$224 in Free Gifts badge

$1,300.00 A one-time investment of just $249.00

Claim My Spot Now + $224.00 in Free Gifts

If you’re not 100% satisfied, you’ll get a full refund no questions asked.


30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Enroll With Confidence

The Fretboard Accelerator program is backed by my no-questions-asked, 30-day guarantee — which is now trusted by over 80,000 bass players like you from around the globe.

That means if the lessons in The Fretboard Accelerator program don’t help you gain more command over the fretboard than you’ve ever felt, we’ll give you a full refund.

More Student Reviews

“I actually understand what I’m practicing!” — Aryeh Barson

“Guys, I have no idea what happened in my brain, but this approach obviously works!” — Petr Sebrle

“This course has been spectacular and I’m really learning a lot and my confidence is growing. Thanks so much!” — Andrew Thomas

“I am starting to see the shapes and options in real time and see it on the fretboard but also in my mind when I close my eyes and let the fingers do their thing.” — Guy Cresswell

“I wasn’t sure whether I could keep up with this course, but I found that the content was so well organized!” — Ken Matsuda


And that means you have a decision to make right now.

Will you keep playing the same-old restrictive patterns and shapes over and over again? Will you stay locked in “bass jail” — frustrated by your lack of progress towards mastering the fretboard? And will you settle for hearing the same tired riffs coming out of your amp day after day…week after week…and month after month?

Or will you join The Fretboard Accelerator program right now and dramatically improve your fretboard fluency in just 30 minutes a day. And break free from playing those restrictive, rudimentary patterns and shapes — forever.

Seems like a no-brainer to me! Your investment is ALSO protected by our no-questions-asked, 30-day guarantee. So click the button below to enroll in The Fretboard Accelerator now — we won’t be opening enrollment again until 2025.

Claim My Spot + $224.00 In Free Gifts


Will I have lifetime access to this program?
Absolutely. Once you become a student of the Fretboard Accelerator program you will have lifetime access and will be able to access the learning materials 24/7.
Is this program self-paced?
The Fretboard Accelerator is delivered weekly over 16 modules of study to help keep students focused and help to reduce overwhelm. We recommend that students dedicate at least one week to each module before moving on. Through our research, we’ve found that this leads to a much better learning experience for our students.

That said, this is a self-paced course. So depending on your level of bass playing right now, you may need to spend less time or more time on each module before moving on. It all depends on how fast you want to work through the materials and how much practice time you’ve got.

So in a nutshell, the pace and intensity of this program is totally customisable to your specific needs.
How much time do I need to commit?
To get the absolute maximum from this program we recommend 20-30 minutes per day practice time (4-5 days per week). If you have less than that, you will still get great results, but things will take a little longer.
Is this program for beginners?
If you're a total beginner, this program is not for you. You should be able to play the instrument already and have a basic understanding of things like arpeggios and scales.
Are the lessons live?
The module lessons are not live so you don’t have to be online in real time to receive them. They are on-demand lessons that you can watch at your convenience.
How long is each lesson / module?
In each module there’s between 1 hour and 90 minutes of video spread out over 8-10 lessons.
What if I am unhappy with this program?
We offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money back guarantee to make sure our students are happy with any of our programs.

Simply put, if you find this program isn’t right for you, simply drop us a line at and we’ll refund you immediately.
Who is this program NOT for?
If you're the kind of bass player who's not willing to practice their craft and expects to get better by simply watching more and more videos hoping that it'll raise their game, this program is not for you.
Does this program work for all styles of music?
Absolutely! This program is a complete methodology that will work for any style of music.
Is this only for 4-string basses? What if I have a 5 or 6 string?
Although the exercises for this program were demonstrated on a 4-string bass, they are totally transferable to 5 and 6-string basses. This is because the core concept is based on shapes that can be played on multiple locations on the fingerboard, no matter how many strings your bass has… you’ve got a 10-string bass… we’ve got you covered! ;)
How long do I have to enroll?
Enrollment for this program will close Friday, September 27 at 11:59 pm PDT
If I miss enrollment this time around, when will enrollment reopen?
We won’t be reopening in 2024. The next conceivable time we’d offer the Fretboard Accelerator is in 2025.

Claim your spot plus $224.00 in FREE bonuses before enrollment closes

Claim My Spot + $224.00 In Free Gifts