The Gary Willis Masterclass – Scott's Bass Lessons

The Gary Willis Masterclass

An 8 week online program with one of the most influencial bassists of our time.

Gary Willis

Enrollment Now Closed

Many know
Gary Willis

Gary Willis Pictured with Scott Henderson

Founder of Tribal Tech.

Played with Allan Holdsworth, Scott Henderson, Wayne Shorter.

One of the driving forces behind modern fusion music, not to mention modern bass playing.

Allan Holdsworth
Allan Holdsworth
Wayne Shorter
Wayne Shorter

But few
have the privilege
of knowing Gary Willis


I remember what it felt like to be an "ok" bassist.

Heck, I was already playing gigs with good players. But honestly, I’d listen to complex music and think "I don’t even know how to approach that. I don’t even know where to start!"

It felt miles away from where I was currently at. I’m sure you’ve been in (or likely are in) the same boat.

You end up asking yourself things such as:

Does my technique need to be better before I even attempt that stuff?

Don’t my solos need to be better? I don’t even feel like I can improvise!

Don’t my walking lines need to be less… errrm, boring?

Well, you’re not alone – that’s exactly how I felt too.

Until I studied with Gary Willis.

How I found
Gary Willis.

Stay with me, I promise i’m going to wind this around to your bass playing.


So my name's Scott.
I’m the guy behind
I’m a dad, husband, and yes, a bass geek like you.

I’ve lectured at music schools around the world, played with some of the best musicians on the planet, and founded a world-renowned online bass school, but it did NOT start out like that.

I was 18 years old and desperate to become a professional bass player. I’d just tried-and-failed to get into my local music school, Leeds College of Music (long story short, my high school grades weren’t good enough).

I had two options left.
1. Quit trying to be a professional musician
2. Dig in and figure out how to do this music thing on my own.

I asked myself, if music school was going to give me access to great bass teachers… was there any reason I couldn’t search out great teachers myself? Obviously, the answer was no.

So the search was on. And I’ll be totally honest, I was really upset that I was rejected by the music school… and in a “ha, I can do even better” moment I thought…

“what the hell… I’ll email Gary Willis and ask him if he’ll teach me.”

There was NO WAY in the world I even expected a response.

To my complete surprise, he said “yes!”

(I know, mind blown!)

Scott & Gary Willis

So began a year of my commuting monthly from England to Spain (where Gary was living) for monthly lessons.

  • I recorded everything meticulously on a Dictaphone (yep, those old tiny cassette tapes, lol)

  • I transcribed everything when I got home

  • I was trying to learn as-fast-as-possible (it wasn't cheap flying to Spain each month!)

We'll come back to the dictaphone...

But first, here’s what I realized:

Sure - Gary’s one of the most famous bass players of the last 30 years. But that’s not what makes his teaching special. What makes him special is his unique way of teaching. It’s that which allows him to break down seemingly-complex subjects, so that practically anyone (except a total beginner) can learn and understand them.

Over that year, I realized nobody is thinking of the bass like this.


Gary Willis

Now, fast-forward umpteen years, and yeah, I’ve had a pretty successful career. But I trace a lot of the bass player I’ve become back to that single year with Gary.

I was a different player after that year.

...and I did it without any Whiplash-style “hard-knocks”

...and without my hands bleeding;)

But here’s the deal.
Why should only I be able to experience that?

Recently, I was speaking with a team member about the impact studying with Gary had on my playing.

“I wish I could package-that-up and offer it to other people,” I was saying.

“Why can’t you?” my team member shot back. So you know where this leads. We asked Gary, and he agreed.

An 8 week online program with one of the most influencial bassists of our time.

This is the most comprehensive course Gary’s ever created, including 10 hours of footage, 8 weeks, and 3 live seminars.


I needed to spend a year of my life and more than $10,000 to have this experience, but you get to have it in the comfort of your own home!

Phil Mann

Gary Willis was one of the first individuals in the bass community to leave me utterly gobsmacked.

His phrasing and use of articulation had me completely spellbound growing up. He also taught me the most valuable academic lesson I ever learned. A true Jedi of low-end”

Phil Mann

What's inside
the Masterclass

01. Week 1 / Module 01

Formulas for Mastering Your Fretboard

Lesson (47:14)

In this module you’re going to learn Gary’s very specific systems and formulas to learning and navigating around the bass fingerboard.

Using systems and formulas to organise your fretboard is absolutely key to the development of your bass playing. Using these is by far the easiest way to start ‘seeing’ all of your available options, wherever you are on the neck. Whether you’re playing a heavy groove, or going for a killer bass fill or solo, your fingerboard begins to look like a map and not a mystery.

Remember when you learned your first pattern on the fingerboard and you felt that lightbulb moment as you found you could move it around the neck and use it in different areas of the fingerboard without changing the pattern. Well, imagine that, but on steroids.

Module Bonuses:

— An in-depth Interview with the man himself, Gary Willis (66:45)
— Exclusive Performance of “Everything’s Cool” featuring Gary Willis & Gergo Borlai (4:43)

LIVE Online Seminar with Gary Willis
Tuesday September 29 – 1pm ET / 10am PT / 6pm BST

02. Week 2 / Module 02

Bass Soloing Deep Dive

Lesson (75:36)

Let’s be honest. When it comes to bass soloing, Gary Willis is “the godfather”, and is simply one of the best soloists on the bass to have ever walked the planet.

In this module you’re going to learn Gary secret’s of soloing. Everything from what he’s specifically thinking about when soloing, how (and why) he links his solo phrases and the scales he uses (or doesn’t as the case may be), right through to building intensity within a solo, how to shape your solo’s and everything in-between.

This is your chance to learn from the best there’s ever been, and then take these specific approaches and use them to push your development as a bass player to that next level.

Module Bonus:

— Gary’s Solo Performance of “Have You Met Miss Jones" (2:40)

03. Week 3 / Module 03

Pentatonic Applications & Substitutions

Lesson (33:55)

OK, so I know you ‘think’ you know your pentatonic scales. You know the good old “blues scale”. But let me put this out there, you probably don’t. I know this, because I thought I knew my pentatonic scales too, and then I went to study with Gary and found out the truth!

“Pentatonics” are Gary’s secret weapon, he uses them like no other bass player I’ve ever heard. In this module you’re going to learn exactly how Gary uses pentatonics and more importantly you’re going to learn how to use them in the same way. But here’s the best bit. Because you’re NOT going to be learning a mind boggling amount of new patterns… you’re going to learn how to take just a handful of patterns and shapes, and start moving them around the fingerboard in a way that gets you all those of those “sexy notes” without having to do any brain gymnastic.

Module Bonus:

– The Giant Steps Workshop (21:41)

04. Week 4 / Module 04

The Ultimate Plucking Hand Technique

Lesson (78:12)

One of the most commonly ignored parts of a bass players technique is their plucking hand, and this is a big mistake! Your plucking hand is your engine. It’s where your tone comes from, it’s how your speed is controlled, it’s where your dynamic range comes from, and much more. It’s essential.

The great news is that Gary has one of the most highly developed plucking hand techniques of any bassist on the planet, and in this module he’s going to break his technique down piece by piece and teach you the all of the inner moving parts so you can turbo charge your own technique with same concepts and exercises. Linear lines, grooves with octave jumps, ghost notes, dynamics and articulations - it’s all in this jam packed module.

Module Bonuses:

— Exclusive Performance of “Ancient Promise” featuring Gary Willis & Gergo Borlai (4:29)
— Live Q&A (81:08)

LIVE Online Seminar with Gary Willis
Tuesday October 20 – 1pm ET / 10am PT / 6pm BST

05. Week 5 / Module 05

Structuring Your Practice Time

Lesson (57:27)

Gary has never practiced more than 3 hours in any one day. Now, that is a crazy statement baring in mind that he’s one of the heaviest bassists to have ever existed. I’m sure you’ve heard of all the giants of bass that spent 8 hours a day (and many times even longer) hauled up in a tiny room shedding away honing their chops. Well, not Gary. In the interview you’ll receive within Module 1 you’re going hear how he could never focus for more than 3 hours, and further more, had other hobbies and a life he wanted to live.

In this module you’re going to learn about the specific practice techniques Gary used to compress time and focus in on what was most important, giving him the ability to increase his ability on the bass without having to spend each and every waking hour with his instrument in his hands. If you’ve got limited practice time, other commitments in your life, or simply want to maximise the practice time you have so you get more done in less hours, this module is for you.

Module Bonus:

— Gary’s Exclusive Performance Video of Norwegian Wood (4:57)

06. Week 6 / Module 06

Gary’s Gear Theories and Tips

Lesson (52:40)

As you’ll have probably realised by now, Gary is “the Yoda” of bass. But playing the bass is only half of Gary’s talents, he’s also a visionary when it comes to the instrument itself. Ever seen a bass player play with a “ramp” underneath the strings? Gary invented that concept, and it’s now being used by thousands of bass players around the world. Ever seen the cool “sure grip” machine heads on an Ibanez bass? Yep, Gary invented those too. I’m sure you’re starting to get the picture.

In this module you’re going to learn about bass construction, body woods, neck woods, fingerboard materials, amps, strings, and everything in-between. If you’re into all things ‘bass gear’… then you’re going to love this module.

Module Bonus:

— Gary’s Bass Set-Up Tips and Tricks (24:48)

07. Week 7 / Module 07

Interaction within the Rhythm Section

Lesson (37:01)

Being able to play and interact within a rhythm section is of vital importance to any bass player. That’s why we knew that to make this masterclass a truly amazing educational experience, we needed to enlist the talents of a world class drummer… and that’s where the phenomenal Gergo Borlia comes in.

In this module Gary and Gergo are going to teach you how to lock in, how to interact within a groove, and how your bass line or groove is directly related to what’s happening on the drums at each specific moment in time, and how that can change as the bass line or drum groove develops.

This module alone is worth the investment of the entire 8 week Masterclass!

Module Bonuses:

— Gary’s Exclusive Performance Video of Bowlegged (3:45)
— Live Q&A (85:27)

LIVE Online Seminar with Gary Willis
Tuesday November 10 – 1pm ET / 10am PT / 6pm GMT

08. Week 8 / Module 08

Bass Line & Groove Construction

Lesson (44:17)

We saved the best till last. In this module Gary is going to show you how bass lines and grooves are created, and then go on to demonstrate how that works within the rhythm section in conjunction with the amazing Gergo Borlai.

You’re going to learn about locking in and playing with the bass drum, how to play in the gaps, replicating rhythms on the bass that come directly from the drums, what to do specifically when the drummer moves to the ride cymbal and much more. For anyone wanting to be a fantastic all round bass player, and someone who cares about locking in within the rhythm section and really making a band groove, this module is for you.

Module Bonus:

— Gary takes us out on a groove (1:59)
— Program Wrap-up (00:45)

Rich Brown

If I was to pick three of my favourite bass players of all time, they would be Jaco Pastorius, Skuli Sverrisson and Gary Willis.

Gary Willis is one of those complete bass players. Here’s a dude that can go wild on any groove at any given time, but has also got a beautiful sense of melodicism. Listening to him play - it’s some of the most melodic bass playing I have ever heard.”

Rich Brown



$300 value FREE!

Any world class educational program needs to be interactive. It’s what’s going to keep you motivated, accountable, and give you the ability to get answers to any questions you may have.

Gary Willis
Evan Marien

Gary Willis is one of those guys that’s got it all. Monster pocket for grooves, brilliant solo phrasing, and a technique unlike anyone else. Anytime I hear him is just awe inspiring!”

Evan Marien

That’s why we knew we had to create an amazing live-stream bonus for The Gary Willis Masterclass.

Thankfully with today’s technology we now have the ability to stream these live classes around the globe. So wherever you are based, you can tune in, interact with you fellow students, and ask the man himself whatever burning questions you may have, in real-time.

Usually to get this type of interaction with Gary you’d have to be a student at Berklee College of Music (where Gary is a faculty member), but let’s not talk about how many thousands of dollars that would cost (a lot!). We’ve included these interactive live classes with Gary, at no extra cost.

And don’t worry. If for any reason you can’t make one of the live classes, they are recorded and uploaded into the masterclass portal within 24hrs after going live, so you can catch the replay in your own time, and at your own pace.

Live Stream 1

Welcome Party - 29th September

Live Stream 2

Mid-Term Check In - 20th October

Live Stream 3

End-of-Term Wrap Up - 10th November


Real students share their experiences in the Gary Willis Masterclass

“Man, I first was in doubt to follow this online course. But it’s already more than worth the amount of money I had to pay! Gary is great and simplifies even the hardest tunes.”
Stijn D.

“This is exactly what I needed! I’ve been using these patterns literally for years, but didn’t connect or ‘see’ them in this way. It’s like a light bulb going on. I’m off to the shed. Thanks Gary for the straight forward explanation and Scott for getting Gary in front of the SBL community.”
Jon L.

"For me the first twenty minutes is worth the price of admission alone! And now back to the shed…for a very long time :)”
Guy C.


As well as access to Gary’s amazing online Masterclass, you could also be the lucky winner of an awesome Gary Willis signature bass!

Ibanez Gary Willis signature bass Ibanez Gary Willis signature bass

And as a special bonus, we’ve got some major runner-up prizes too. There is NO PURCHASE necessary to enter the giveaway. (If you want to enter with no purchase just click here.)

Just remember, though, if you already want to join the Gary Willis Masterclass, we'll give you ten entries instead of one. Winners will be drawn in week 5 of the program. What were those prizes again?!


First Prize

Ibanez Gary Willis Anniversary Bass (Set up by Gary himself!)

Bass $1200 value
(setup - priceless!)


Second Prize

4x 1-on-1 Skype lessons with Gary Willis

$500 value


Third Prize

A year’s subscription to Gary’s app, Groove-a-day

$260 value

Gary Willis Profile

Your Instructor


Combining a unique three-finger picking style with his effortlessly light touch, Gary brings a supreme level of both groove and musicality to all that he plays.

Perhaps best known as co-founder of jazz fusion outfit Tribal Tech, Gary Willis has arguably done more to refine and advance the language and technique of modern bass playing than any other bassist playing today.

Scott Devine Profile

Your Ambassador

SCOTT DEVINE Scott’s Bass Lessons Founder

With 20+ years of experience as a professional bass player and educator, over a million aspiring bass players following his lessons, and over 90 million views on YouTube, Scott is the most widely followed bass educator in the world.

He has taught thousands of students around the world, lectured and spoken at music schools and universities, and is continuously striving to take online bass education to the next level.

Enrollment Now Closed


The Gary Willis Masterclass will be delivered over 8 weeks in 8 modules provided every Monday starting Monday, September 28, 2020 - taking our last module in this program all the way to Monday, November 16, 2020
Absolutely. Once you become a student of the Gary Willis Masterclass you will have lifetime access and will be able to access the learning materials 24/7.
The Gary Willis Masterclass is delivered weekly over 8 weeks of study to help keep students focused and help to reduce overwhelm. Through our research, we’ve found that this leads to a much better learning experience for our students.

That said, although the modules are delivered weekly, this is a self-paced course. So depending on your level of bass playing right now, you may want to spend a few weeks on each module, and in some cases even more time. It all depends on how fast you want to work through the materials and how much practice time you’ve got.

So in a nutshell, the pace and intensity of this program is totally customisable to your specific needs.
Yes! The Gary Willis Masterclass will include 3 LIVE seminars from Gary himself.

Tuesday September 29 – 1pm ET / 10am PT / 6pm BST
Tuesday October 20 – 1pm ET / 10am PT / 6pm BST
Tuesday November 10 – 1pm ET / 10am PT / 6pm GMT
If you're a total beginner, this program is not for you. You should be able to play the instrument already and have a basic understanding of things like arpeggios and scales.

Be that as it may, if you're anything other than a total beginner, you will find this masterclass valuable. Gary teaches systems to organize the fretboard, techniques to make your playing tighter, and much, more. Plus he also teaches in a way that “scales” — so you can modulate the concepts based on your skill. And as your playing becomes more advanced, the lessons will, too.
In each module there’s between 55 minutes and 207 minutes of video spread out over 2-4 videos.
We offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money back guarantee to make sure our students are happy with any of our programs.

Simply put, if you find this program isn’t right for you, simply drop us a line at and we’ll refund you immediately.
If you're the kind of bass player who's not willing to practice their craft and expects to get better by simply watching more and more videos hoping that it'll raise their game, this program is not for you.
Absolutely! This program is a complete methodology that will work for any style of music.
Enrolment for this program will close Sunday, September 27, at midnight.
If I miss enrolment this time around, when will enrolment reopen?

We won’t be reopening in 2020. The next conceivable time we’d offer the Gary Willis Masterclass is in late 2021.


When I studied with Gary, I spent close to $10,000 in lesson costs, commuting and lodging. I’m going to give you that experience in condensed form, for less than Gary charges for a single lesson.

What's Included:

  • Learn from one of the greatest bass players
  • 8-week course
  • Scott will be your 'tour guide'
  • 3 LIVE Seminars with Gary Willis


If you’re not 100% satisfied, you’ll get a full refund no questions asked.