THE PRACTICE Accelerator

Get “Unstuck”, Save Time, and Turbo-Charge Your Results in the Practice Room in Just 8 Weeks

But don't worry... enter your email below and we'll let you know when we next open for enrollment

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Ever get “Practice Anxiety?”

You’ve got your normal “routine”, but you constantly feel like maybe there’s something else you should be practicing instead.

You feel “in a rut”...

But you worry that if you change it up, maybe you’ll realize that the old routine was serving you better.

Besides, aren’t you supposed to focus on one thing for a long time to get better? How are you supposed to do that when there’s so much to learn?

Oh, and you never have enough time.

And it’s not like the existing bass teaching content is making it any better:


In fact, the sheer abundance of things to practice just makes the anxiety worse.

I used to feel the same way:

When I was younger, I’d decide “this is the week I’m working on walking basslines!”

Then I’d get bored, or frustrated, then something else would come along: maybe slap-bass.

A week later, I’d decide I was sick of the whole enterprise, and maybe I just needed a new P-Bass.

I’d hear stories about my heroes practicing 4, 5, even 6 hours-a-day, and think “maybe I have to do that.”

But all I’d end up practicing were the same warmups…

...the same scales and arpeggios…

...and the same exercises out of books.

It was hard to tell if anything was working, and I was constantly frustrated.

Gradually, I discovered a few key principles that helped alleviate the stress.

After years of refining, I could finally look back on the way I used to practice and see where I’d gone wrong:

  • I’d assumed I needed to practice everything equally. In reality, just a small subset of things ended up being the things that really moved me forward.
  • I hadn’t given any thought to how long to practice something before moving on. Gradually, I learned a system for knowing.
  • I’d approached everything at random, rather than setting specific goals.

Now, for the first time ever, I want to offer that system to you...


Get “Unstuck”, Save Time, and Turbo-charge your results in the practice room in just 8 weeks.


When you become a student in The Practice Accelerator you’ll be able to finally stop worrying about what to practice next. Each and every week you’ll get one brand-new module containing your assignment for that week, and I’m even going to tell you exactly how much time to spend on each specific exercise.

But it’s not just exercises. I’ll be giving you the system that will allow you to practice better forever.


At the end of 8 weeks…

  • You won’t feel confined to just a few things you’re practicing over-and-over: you’ll have a system to determine where to go next.
  • You won’t worry if you “don’t have enough time”, because you’ll know that the things you are practicing are the best things to move you forward, even if you only have 30-minutes-a-day.
  • And you won’t feel unfocussed, because what you’re working on will be interesting, challenging, and relevant.

Best yet, you’ll see the progress you’re making.


If you fall behind because of other commitments, I get it… I have 2 kids! That’s why when you sign up to The Practice Accelerator, you’re going to get lifetime access to the entire program!


Below each video lesson there’ll be a questions section, so the SBL team and I will support you every step of the way by giving you personalised support for that specific lesson. If you hit a roadblock - we’ll be there for you!


What’s Included In The Practice Accelerator?

8 In-depth Step by Step Modules

Module 1: Retraining Your Brain and Shifting Your Mindset
Module 2: Fretboard Knowledge, Visualization & Application
Module 3: The 80/20 Technique Framework
Module 4: Ultimate Groove and Time Essentials
Module 5: Learning the Language of Bass Through Transcription, Emulation and Application
Module 6: Essential Genres & Repertoire
Module 7: Diatonic Harmony and Harmonic Analysis
Module 8: Creating Your Perfect Practice Plan (and sticking to it)

  • Within each module there are anywhere from 4 - 6 lesson.
  • Each module contains anything from 1 - 2hrs of HD video.
  • Within each module you get detailed downloadable PDFs and backing tracks where applicable.
  • You also get recommended listening, transcription and harmonic analysis studies where applicable.

The 8 Modules walk you through exactly what to focus on so that you're guaranteed to get massive results each time you sit down to practice and never again wonder "what to do next" or "how do I get out of this rut I'm in". Ever.

The step-by-step modules and lessons make it easy to follow and implement, even if you've only got 30 mins of practice time per day.

The downloadable worksheets are extremely in-depth, giving you specific exercise examples, recommended chart examples, recommended listening examples, and specific fill in worksheets where applicable.

Conveniently delivered within an 8 week program so you stay on track and get the results you want.


Professionally Produced Play-Alongs:

10x professionally produced play-alongs that you’re going to use when practicing the topics and exercises covered within the 8 week Practice Accelerator Program.

Each play-along track has been recorded by the best of the best musicians so you’re going to finally get the chance to play bass within a world-class rhythm section. This experience alone will be amazing for your bass playing.

Harmonic Analysis Video Lessons:

With each of the 10 play-along tracks you also get a harmonic analysis video tutorial where you’ll hear us talking through the piece of music, discussing how and why the chords work, what scales and substitutions can be used and way, way more! It’s going to be like going to a college professor and having them personally explain a piece of music you’re trying to learn (all of this ties in directly with what you’ll be learning in Module 7 of the Practice Accelerator Program).

Each piece has been specifically chosen because of its harmonic structure and we’ve grouped them in to, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Ultimate. I’m removing ALL of the guess work and giving you everything you’re going to need.

Individual Worksheets:

Each of the pieces comes with a detailed PDF worksheet so you can follow along with the analysis lessons and even print them out so you can use them away from your computer or tablet.


So… What’s the Investment?

With over one million bass players following ScottsBassLessons now, I don’t get the chance to teach 1:1 students anymore – things in my life would get crazy ;)

The gag is, I still want to give you the chance to study with me every week just like you would with a regular bass teacher. So if that sounds like something you’d want to do, The Practice Accelerator is for you!


MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: You also have a full 30 day money-back guarantee to make sure you’re completely satisfied with your Bass Technique Accelerator Course..



Scott played his first professional gig when he was 19 and spent the following 20 years honing his craft and eventually finding a passion for teaching that led him to create the ultimate online bass school,

He has taught, lectured and spoken at music schools around the world, and currently has an online community of over 20,000 active members.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
This program will be delivered in 8 weekly modules provided every Monday starting January 21, 2019.
What happens if I fall behind?
Don't worry if you fall behind, as a student of this program you have full lifetime access and can learn at your own pace.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We offer a 30-day money back guarantee to make sure our students are happy with the lessons and practice exercises, and if not we’re happy to refund you.
How long is each lesson?
Lessons average around 30 minutes each, 4 specific exercises provided for each. It is recommended that you practice each exercise for 5 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week.
How long do I have to enroll?
This course has an open-and-closed enrollment starting Monday, January 14th and ending Sunday, January 20th.
Is this program for beginners?
If you're a total beginner, this program is not for you. You should be able to play the instrument already and have a basic understanding of things like arpeggios and scales.
How much time do I need to commit?
To get the absolute maximum from this program we recommend 30 minutes per day practice time (4-5 days per week). If you have less than that, you will still get great results, but things will take a little longer.
Who's NOT right for this program?
If you're the kind of bass player who's not willing to practice their craft and expects to get better by simply watching more and more videos hoping that it'll raise their game, this program is not for you.
Does this program work for all styles of music?
Absolutely! This program is a complete methodology that will work for any style of music.
If I'm currently a student of Scott's 26 Week Accelerator Program, would this program overwhelm me if I decided to enroll in both at once?
Absolutely not. It works in perfect harmony with the technique accelerator and will show you how to construct the ideal practice routine to use along side any of Scott's Accelerator programs. This means you'll be getting the absolute maximum out of the practice time you have and not chasing shiny objects that will ultimately hinder your progress. The Practice Accelerator is also a complete method of study, and although the program is 8 weeks long, the lessons taught within it include exercises you will use for life - not just the 8 week period. On top of that, as a student you also get lifetime access to the program, so you can study in your own time, and at your own pace.